Monday, October 29, 2012

The Great Green Tomato War!

My garden is finally dead. We hard a hard freeze Thursday or Friday last week that finally killed of all my tomato plants though it warmed right back up by the weekend. Yesterday afternoon DR took the boys out to the garden, while I was putting Yahoo down for a nap, to clean up hoses and plants and such. When I came out of Yahoo's bedroom I heard all sorts of screaming, laughing and hollering coming from the garden. I stepped outside to tell the boys to quiet down, because Yahoo wasn't asleep yet, only to find this.....

DR was having a green tomato war with the boys! 
Honestly though they weren't picky about their ammunition. They were quite happy when they found a squishy red one! 

They soon learned that a large dead tomato plant would double as a bunker. 

But Dad still had awfully good aim! 

Ha! I hadn't seen DR have such a good time in a long time! 

Toward the end of their war the boys decided they needed camoflauge! 

Ugg!! I think I'm going to have to burn those clothes. Dead tomato plants smell disgusting!! 

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