Friday, April 23, 2010

Stuffed Pork Steak - Foody Friday

Guess what! Today's recipe is NOT BREAD! I bet that's all you thought my family ever ate didn't you?? However the men in this house are quite the carnivores so I'm familiar with meat, just not very confident with it.....yet.

But here is one I love!! Stuffed Pork Steak! It goes great with Spaetzle. (This recipe works great with chicken breasts too. )
First get you meat and pound it out nice and thin.
Plus, you can count swinging a big old meat hammer as your upper arm workout for the day. Multi-tasking people!!

Liberally season your steaks. I like to use lemon pepper but seasoned salt or salt and pepper would be good too. Experiment!! Then lay a row of cheese in the middle. I used Munster cheese but take your pick. Mozzarella would be great too.

Add some spinach on top. I used frozen spinach just because I didn't have fresh on hand.
Roll up your meat and stick a toothpick in it to hold it together.
Heat a couple tablespoons of olive oil in a hot skillet and brown all sides, a minute or two each side.
Remove and sprinkle liberally with Parmesan cheese. Put into an oven heated to 375 for about 30 minutes or so.
Wallah!! Yum, yum!

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